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tv   The Early Show  CBS  September 13, 2010 6:00am-8:00am PST

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share, email see you tomorrow. captioning funded by cbs president obama argues with the gop over extending bush era tax cuts. one republican leader seems to open the door to a possible compromise. we'll have the president's chief spokesman what happens now. powerful storm, all eyes on the atlantic. where hurricane igor is expected to become a massive category five storm as early as today. we'll tell you where it's headed and when it could impact the united states coast. and, mtv's big night as kanye west and taylor swift take to the stage one year after their controversial showdown, lady gaga steals the show with eight awards, but lindsay lohan takes center stage with the surprise appearance poking fun at herself. we'll take you inside the big awards show early this monday
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morning, september 13, 2010. this is the real monday in september when really this is it. back the school, it's really all over. >> summer is over. >> good morning. i'm harry smith. >> on that uplifting note. i'm erica hill. all eyes this morning, not just on the reality that is back to school and we're back to september but on hurricane igor which is in the atlantic. could be the first category five storm we've seen in years. dave price is back this morning with the latest. >> good morning to you folks. let's get to the business. could be the first category five in the atlantic base innen three years. there is igor, there is julia. right now the storm 940 miles east of the leeward islands, british virgin islands, u.s.
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vrnlgen islands. wind speeds 150 miles per hour. it's going to get up to 155, that's category five. still west at 13, still plenty of warm water and not a lot of wind sheer. then let's watch it progress. it will run into shear, some cooler water. bermuda is a question as we head into the weekend. what could it do and when will it make the turn to the north and to the east? that's what we wait for. wonder and watch. we'll have more in a little while. but a big storm brewing in the atlantic. folks, back to you. >> thanks very much, dave. to the latest on the battle over the bush era tax cuts. should they be extended and who should get them? a top republican in congress seems to be willing to make a deal with president obama who wants to limit the tax breaks, but is the gop really ready to make such a deal? and if so, what will it mean for your wallet? cbs news chief white house correspondent chip reid has the
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latest. >> reporter: good morning. congress is back from recess at long last. and they are expected to begin debate soon. republicans had been insisting that they be extended for everybody including the wealthy but now the door has been cracked open to compromise. >> i want to do something for all americans who pay taxes. >> reporter: house minority leader boehner said he would support extending tax cuts for the middle class even if those for the wealthy were allowed to expire. >> the only option i have is to vote for some of the tax reductions, i'll vote for them. >> reporter: he wants all the cuts extended but if forced to compromise that would abvictory for president obama who says they should be extended for couples earning less than $250,000 a year. and anyone making more would see taxes rise. also weighing in, the tea party,
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thousands marched on the capital sunday ahead of midterm elections, similar rallies in sacramento and st. louis. >> really wanting to get government out of our lives and to pay our bills and to have fiscal responsibility. in our nation. >> reporter: if the white house thinks it can blame republicans for the bad economy, that may not work. >> this is a midterm election. it's all about turnout because only 40% of adults will turn out. i think democrats are having problems motivating their base because they see the administration as having overpromised and underdelivered. >> reporter: despite all of the talk of compromise the debate is expected to be so fierce any final deal might have to wait until after election day when congress returns to washington for a lame duck session. >> cbs's chip reid. s at the white house is president obama's press secretary, robert gibbs. mr. gibbs, good morning. >> good morning, harry. how are you? >> pretty good. so john boehner goes on face the
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nation yesterday and he says, quote, if the only, if the only option i have is to vote for some of the tax reductions i'll vote for them. is that a window? >> well, look. last week harry, the president argued pretty vociferously that we ought to extend the tax cut this is affect the middle class in this economy right now. that's what the president believes. i hope that congressman boehner's comments suggest a willingness to agree to the president's position. we ought not use the middle class as a political football. we ought to extend the tax cuts for the middle class. we ought to do it fairly quickly, give them certainty and make sure they know that they are going to get help in tough economic times. >> you know there are plenty of people out there including peter or zach who halt recently your director of office of management and budget saying there should be tax increases for nobody. now is not the time to be increasing taxes. >> well, harry, understand what peter argues. peter argues that we should extend the middle class tax cuts
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for two years and have them expire. he believe the price of doing that is having to extend the upper end tax cuts that's what we should do. that's not the president's position because let's be clear. the tax cuts for the upper end, the wealthy which mostly go to millionaires, that's a $700 billion proposition over the next ten years. the president does not believe that we should be borrowing $700 billion most likely from overseas to extend tax cuts for folks, frankly, that weren't asking for them and don't particularly need them. >> in terms of real life. mitch mcconnell says this has zero chance in the senate. from republicans standpoint. at the end of the day what americans are saying how does this create new jobs? >> how does what create new jobs? the tax cuts? >> any of this other stuff, i'm looking at 9.6, i need a gig. >> look. there's no question we've got to get our economy even more
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strengthened than what we're seeing now. we've seen eight straight months of job creation. but look. for the middle class, this economic recession didn't start two years ago or 2 1/2 years ago. it's going on for ten years. they watched their wages decrease, wondered how to pay their bills an send kids to college. the president believes for the middle class it's not time to raise taxes. it's time to cut their taxes. >> boehner also said, basically, why not bring the budget back to about 2008 levels, then you wouldn't have to be having that conversation. any way possible to shrink the government down to 2008 size and move on from there? >> look. the president has proposed freezing non-security discretionary spending for three years. understand the argument that john boehner makes. he wants to cut spending in one breath and then without breathe he wants to borrow $700 billion paid for by the middle class to give tax breaks to millionaires. the average tax break is
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$100,000. that's not what we should be doing. that doesn't make economic sense and it lacks common sense. >> for those of you on the sidelines, if you want to know how mr. gibbs and mr. boehner feel about each other, go on their twitter accounts. there you have it. mr. gibbs, thank you very much. appreciate it. >> harry, in iran three american hikers have been in jail for more than a year, one of them, sarah shourd, could be freed on bail as early as today. cbs correspondent elizabeth palmer is in london with the latest on this diplomatic back and forth. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. yes. unfortunately it's still a waiting game. this is after a series of confused you might say chaotic announcements by the iranian government about sarah shourd. >> it's terrible to be away from our families this long. >> reporter: originally shourd seen last may during a visit by all three hikers' mothers, was
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told she would be released on saturday. but it didn't happen. apparently due to infighting in the regime. on sunday authorities announced she would be freed after all. >> american citizen sarah shourd will be released on bail. >> reporter: the sum, half a million dollars which her lawyer is trying to arrange. i have spoken with sarah's family, and i urged them to provide the bail if they have access to. shourd's friends, shane bauer and josh fattal, are to stay in jail. all three say they were visiting a famous beauty spot on the border between iraq and iran two summers ago when they were arrested t. iranian prosecutors say they are now finalizing a spying case against the two men. but are offering sarah shourd her freedom on health grounds, her family says they are worried she may be developing cancer. >> she has a precancerous condition and i'm actually worried that this young woman is
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going to get cancer for real. >> reporter: now, we were talking to the lawyer just a short time ago and he points throughout may be another technical glitch. at the moment under u.s. sanctions law it's illegal to transfer money into iran especially if it's going to the iranian government so there is going to have to be some technical work around for that. >> not there yet. elizabeth palmer in london, thanks. >> now to the latest on the california gas explosion. that killed at least four people. most residents of the neighborhood in san bruno near san francisco have finally been able to return four days after the blast. the rest could be let back in today. david clements is at the scene. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. crews are working around the clock to try to clear rubble so residents can get in and survey the damage to homes. now some of the homes here have been red tagged which means they are completely uninhabitable. the owners can't go inside. others have been leveled,
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destroyed to the ground. a lucky few yesterday were told they could go home. >> we'll give you a packet what to do. >> reporter: at a makeshift command center sunday morning, residents of the leveled neighborhood waited to find out when they could go back home. >> i want to look at my house for five minutes. >> reporter: the explosion destroyed 40 and damaged hundreds. investigators continue to search for the cause. >> we don't know at this point whether there was a well failure, whether there was impact from previous construction. >> reporter: california regulators have ordered the utility company to survey all of its natural gas lines in the state, in hopes of warding off another disaster. according to pacific gas and electric documents the pipeline that exploded thursday was considered one of the highest risk sections by the company. by midday, the shaken community was filled with bittersweet
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reunions. neighbors finding each other after days of worry. >> i definitely feel lucky. >> reporter: henry perez escaped his childhood home with his mother, brother and nephew. while their house was not damaged, signs of the destruction were just a few hundred feet away. >> used to be a park there where families take their kids. >> pretty much all is gone now. >> reporter: investigators continue to sift through the debris for remains. four people are confirmed dead. another four are missing. and 60 have been injured. pria david clemons. >> i want to get you a check of the rest of the news. jeff glor is at the news desk. >> good morning. good monday morning to you at home as well. this morning colorado firefighters face a second destructive wild fire. the latest blaze near loveland, 35 miles north of last week's fire in boulder. the loveland fire began
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yesterday and quickly grew. at least one home was destroyed and hundreds evacuated. the boulder fire destroyed 166 homes, that fire is still not fully contained but many are allowed to return home now. the muslim cleric leading the effort to build an islamic center near ground zero is speaking out today. imam feisal abdul rauf says there is growing islam phobia and he says moving the center is a bad idea. jim axelrod is in lower manhattan this morning with more on that story. jim, good morning. >> reporter: a recent poll shows roughly 50% of new yorkers are not content to see the proposed islamic cultural center pushed back further from ground zero. they don't want it downtown at all. meanwhile, the man behind the project is speaking extensively about it this morning. >> is there really a need for an islamic community center in lower manhattan? is it worth all this firestorm?
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the answer, ladies and gentlemen, is a categorical yes. >> reporter: speaking at the council on foreign relations this morning imam feisal abdul rauf said that the growing controversy over the islamic center saddened him. >> i regret that some have misunderstood our intentions. i'm deeply distressed that in this heated political season some have exploited this issue for their own agendas. >> reporter: the imam called this a time of great danger that can be exploited by extremists and the battle for tolerance must be fought by moderates of all faiths. he said the islamic cultural center will bring honor to the city and this country but said he understood the pain felt by the families of 9/11 victims. >> among the critics are some who lost loved ones on 9/11. to all of them i offer my heartfelt sympathy and my
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prayers upon their departed souls. >> reporter: the imam posed the question is all of the controversy, all of the firestorm, worth it? he said the answer an unequivocal yes. jim axelrod, new york. >> the search is on this morning for the mother of a baby abandoned on an airplane t. newborn boy was found yesterday 18 trash bin in a bathroom of a flight from bahrain to manila t. baby imbillickle cord attached was rushed to the hospital. he is said to be in good health. officials are checking the flight manifest to try to identify the mother. offers to adopt the baby have been flooding in. frightening story. now dave price is back this morning. >> nice to see you. >> nice to see you. cooler outside. >> you can tell. it's like boom, right after labor day weekend. folks, let's start in the northeast where you see that cooler change begin
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don't forget to see >> you can see scattered afternoon thunderstorms in the southern plains, sections of arkansas and oklahoma and texas. keep your eyes out for that. harry and erica. >> dave, thank you very much. >> still ahead this morning, a connecticut doctor's wait for justice as a trial begins for one of the men accused of killing his wife and two daughters three years ago. >> also coming up, the latest rumors of prince william's long-awaited wedding. check your calendars for 2012. >> i cleared the year. lady gaga, turning heads at the vmas and bringing home plenty of awards. we'll look back at a busy night
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including appearance from lindsay lohan and more. appearances by by lindsay lohan and more. this is "the early show" on cbs. [ female announcer ] food myth #9. [ woman ] chopping and peeling can be kinda relaxing at the end of the day. [ female announcer ] relaxing for who? try new market creations from lean cuisine. the new steam pouch locks in the fresh taste of crisp veggies, tender chicken, and al dente pasta, new market creations from lean cuisine. and my dog bailey and itender love to hang out in the kitchen. you love the aroma of beef tenderloin, don't you? you inspired a very special dog food.
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three years ago family brutally murdered in connecticut the wife, two young daughters and the father, as you sigh, dr. petit survived. the trial is set to begin for the defendant who wanted to plead guilty and the prosecutor said he would not let him. a lot has to do with the death pentality, the state of connecticut getting a lot of attention for the death penalty in that state and what this trial could mean for it. >> such a sad story. we'll have that when we come back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. [ animals calling ] ♪ [ pop ] [ man ] ♪ well, we get along ♪ yeah, we really do - ♪ and there's nothing wrong - [ bird squawks ] ♪ with what i feel for you
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good morning. it's 7:25. in the headlines, four people are known dead from last week's pipeline explosion in san bruno. four others are still unaccounted for. eight people remain hospitalized. five of them are in critical condition of the. a 28-foot-long piece of the pipe that blew up is being sent to be inspected at the ntsb lab in washington. pg&e is under orders to check all it natural gas pipe lines in california. the state public utilities commission also plans to appoint an independent panel to investigate the explosion in san bruno. and sarah shourd could be set free from an iranian prison as soon as today. her lawyer says he is waiting for word that bail of half million dollars has been paid. the 32-year-old shourd can be released because of health
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problems. still iran is moving ahead with an espionage case against her and the two other captives. traffic and weather right after this. having the right real estate agent on your side is more important than ever. at, you can find the experts you need, whether you're trying to sell of hoping to buy. nobody sells more real estate than re/max.
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good morning. i'm gianna franco in the traffic center. we have residual delays south 101 approaching the waldo
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tunnel, still sluggage. a wreck on south 101 at the 80 connector. that's blocking the two right lanes. everything not affecting the golden gate bridge, moving well. seeing delays through antioch westbound slow and go and also troubles at the bay bridge. backed up at this point all the way into the maze and the metering lights are off. delays for bart from the sfo millbrae direction to bay point. tracy has your forecast. >> thank you. we have clouds out there. here's a look at the san jose camera. because of the clouds, delays on arrivals at sfo this morning under one hour. here's the seven-day forecast. lower 70s at the coast with low clouds, mix of sun and clouds around the bay with highs in the mid-60s. and the lower 80s expected inland. more sunshine in the forecast tomorrow but not as cool. not cooler than average -- wednesday through sunday looking good.
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welcome back to "the early show" on a monday morning, good monday morning to you. talking this morning about the mtv video music awards last night. lady gaga, it is that and lady gaga, of course, always has original outfits, including -- >> a lot. >> -- one involving meat. and she lifted a whole bunch of awards in addition to a lot of suitcases. we also heard from kanye west and we'll get all the details on the night that was. >> the best part may be chelsea handler's costume at the beginning of the show. >> it was good stuff. >> we'll show you that, too. also are prince william and kate
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middleton ever going to get married? i know you got up this morning and probably 1 or 2 on your list of priorities trying to figure the answer to that. we'll come up with the answer not this year. but, in the very near future. we'll check that out with the author of the definitive book on prince william and prince harry and find out why 2012 is the big year. >> uh-huh. looking at that. first on a much more serious note in connecticut a man accused of one of the worst murders in the state history goes on trial today. police say he and another man broke into the house of a prominent doctor, killed his wife and two daughters. our correspondent is at the courthouse in new haven, this morning with the latest on this tragic story. betty, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, erica. dr. william petit has waited three years for today. in hours he will step inside this courtroom and face one of the two men accused of killing his wife and children. the chilling murders rocked the suburban connecticut town to its core. >> we're the type of communities
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people go to bed and don't look their doors. >> reporter: july 23rd, 2007, dr. william petit, his wife, >> reporter: police were tipped off when the intruders took jennifer to a bank and forced her to withdraw thousands from her account. a bank teller called police but by the time they arrived, the two children and mother were dead. house burned to the ground. they tried to escape but crashed into a barricade. william petit, who barely made it alive, suffered severe injuries. at a memorial service days later, he spoke about the tragedy. >> i guess if there's anything to be gained from the senseless deaths of my beautiful family,
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it's for us to all go forward. >> reporter: over the last three years he has launched a craw sad to have both men convicted and executed for their crimes. fighting proposed bills to ban the death penalty in connecticut. dr. petit, the survivor, made his plea very public and the governor reportedly decided not to sign the bill because of this case. >> reporter: this this morning, charged with capital murder, kidnapping, sexual assault, burglary and arson, 47-year-old steven hayes will finally face justice. both accused killers will be tried separately and dr. petit is expected to testify against both of them. erica? >> betty, thanks. we want to bring our lal analyst jack ford for a closer look at the case. it's impossible to forget this case because it is such a terrible story. one thing that really stood out the fact the defendants wanted to plead guilty and the prosecutor said, not so fast. we want to see this go to trial.
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why put dr. petit through that? >> you know what, deaths penalty cases are very different. the defense was looking at this essentially we don't have much of a defense to the guilt phase. the evidence seems overwhelming. the doctor will identify them, caught basically running from the house. the defense looked at this probably saying here's our chance to try to save the lives of these guys so they offered up themselves saying we'll plead guilty, end this thing right now, put us in prison without any possibility for parole and everybody go home. but, this has generated such emotional response, we heard beth karas say moments ago and betty in her piece the legislature in connecticut basically voted to repeal the death penalty but the governor vetoed that and part was this case. this case, i've tried five death penalty cases, very different and very hard on everybody involved. this case is so atrocious, i think even some people who are opponents of the death penalty would have second thoughts about this. >> and do you think it will change the way things are done in connecticut? we all know as you pointed out,
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both beth and betty touched about this what the legislature voted and what the governor ended up doing and how hard dr. petit fought for that. moving forward, what effect could this have? >> you could have a bizarre scenario, they go through the trial of the two men and the juries will find them guilty, probably, and two separate trials within a trial, jury says guilty of murder or not guilty or giltd of something less. if they say guilty of murder they move to the penalty phase, another small trial within the trial and say whether they live or die. you could get a scenario where a jury might say death penalty for the two guys and down the road with a new governor in connecticut you might have the death penalty repealed again.
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up next, prince william and his possible future queen, kate middleton, the very latest word on a royal wedding in the works. or, is it? this is "the early show" on cbs. . i'm chef michael, and i love to delight bailey's senses. don't i? [ barks ] because i think food speaks a language of love. that's what inspired me to rethink dry dog food.
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[ female announcer ] chef michael's canine creations. [ chef michael ] mmm. tender shredded pieces made with real meat... and crunchy garnishes to enhance the mealtime experience. yes, bailey-- just for you. [ barks ] [ female announcer ] chef inspired, dog desired. chef michael's canine creations. how are you getting to a happier place? running there? dancing there? flying there? how about eating soup to get there? delicious campbell's soups fill you with good nutrition, energy, farm-grown ingredients, and can help you keep a healthy weight. helping you get to a happier place. have a nice trip. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. when allergies make them itch, don't wait for your pills to kick in. choose alaway, from the eye health experts at bausch & lomb. it works in minutes and up to 12 hours. bausch & lomb alaway. because it's not just your allergies, it's your eyes.
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because it's not just your allergies, hey, you guys. want to try activia's great new taste? isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. trust me. it is beyond tasty. mmm. this is really good! new best tasting activia ever! ♪ activia ♪ [ female announcer ] you choose the cutest outfits. which free detergent are you washing them in? switch to tide free & gentle. no other free detergent is milder on skin. and unlike the leading free detergent, tide free & gentle removes more residue from dirt, food, and stains. so you can be confident about every outfit you put her in, even the ones she chooses. tide free & gentle. style is an option. clean is not. also try new tide free in-wash booster. [ man ] then try this. new and improved freestyle lite® blood glucose test strip. sure, but it's not gonna -- [ beep ] wow. [ man ] yeah, that's the patented freestyle zipwik™ design. [ woman ] did it just -- target the blood? target the blood?
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yeah, it drew it right in. the test starts fast. you need just a third the blood of onetouch®. that is different. so freestyle lite test strips make testing... [ man ] easy? easy. [ man ] great. call or click -- we'll send you strips and a meter, free. free is good. [ man ] freestyle lite test strips. call or click today. feels like we've talked about this for years and keep hearing about the next big royal wedding. now, there are new reports out of london that prince william will finally tie the knot with his long-time girlfriends kate middleton. but, not until 2012.
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katie nicholl of britain's "mail on sunday" and author of "william and harry" first reported that more than a year ago and here to tell us why that is such an important year for britain's royal family. good morning. you said this, what, a year ago? >> yeah, you are absolutely right. >> why is 2012 so important? >> a really important year because it will be the queen's diamond jubilee. >> 60 years, of course, of course. >> absolutely. this is a really, really important and momentous occasion and, don't forget, we have the olympics. 2012 will be busy. when i was first tipped off it might be a 2012 wedding the first thing i thought, where is it going to happen? >> exactly. >> it is going to be busy. >> it's too busy. >> possibly. i'm not ruling out 2011, harry. i'm not committing to 2012. i think there's potential in the royal calendar for both. don't forget, royal weddings don't just happen, they're planned. >> therefore, me tick wowsly. maybe they could have the wedding as the opening
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ceremonies for the olympics. >> actually interesting you say that. the other story i reported the queen wants to keep her diamond jubilee completely separate from the olympics, she doesn't want them joined. >> sure. >> what will happen in 2012, the first part of the year will be dominated by the diamond jubilee and the second part the olympics. there is a potential space for a royal wedding but you're right it will be busy and crowded. >> what a party. it will be a major year of partying. >> absolutely. you remember the street parties in 1981, of course, when charles and diana got married. >> unbelievable. >> i think we'll see this on the same sort of scale. >> how long have they gone out. >> nearly nine years. so, you know, it'll be -- it'll be a long wait. >> in the history of the crown, has there ever been an engagement that lasted this long? >> no. >> charles and diana were engaged for what, and hour. >> literally months before they made their announcement official. i'm told by friends they are pretty much engaged at the moment. you are not with someone that long without making some form of life commitment.
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i don't think she would carry on waiting this long if she didn't know at the end of the day, something fabulous, i.e. a wedding. >> if you went on her, you know, facebook page, it would say i'm pretty much engaged. >> i'm hoping. she's waiting. >> do they do rings or do engagement rings? >> she's not wearing any jewelry to signify that at the moment of the thing, is as soon as they make an announcement their lives will change forever. so, there is something to holding off. >> trying to hang on to the last vestiges of, sort of -- >> basically. >> -- whatever in their lives would be normalcy? >> i think that is absolutely right. >> is she still working? >> she is but basically living in wales. prince william is about to graduate as a search and rescue helicopter pilot in weeks. they are living in wales, a wind-swept island off the coast of wales and very happy left to their own devices. we never really get to know what's going on and that's just how they like it. >> as always, a pleasure to see you. >> thank you very much. >> i think i came up with a good
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idea, opening ceremony and do the wedding. >> i think a great idea. pitch it to buckingham palace. >> up next, they all were going gah-gah at the mptv video music awards. we'll check out the big winners and much more when we come back. ♪
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and platinum plus installed in your whole house mtv's video music awards last night just for her fashion. much more at the big event in los angeles. much more than just lady gaga. jeff glor, you were up all night chronicling. >> trying to re-create the steak hat outfit. >> no luck. >> that she had. >> it was nice. >> didn't really work that way. some interesting moments last night the always outrageously dressed gaga won eight awards seems she had an outfit for each. cher presented her with one.
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>> the shoes. >> it's interesting. >> sure. >> the meat outfit, right? >> yes. >> also taylor swift performed the song forgiving kanye west for interrupting her acceptance speech last year. later he mocked his own behavior with an expletive-ridden song and did you see that chelsea hammer and lindsay lohan, who showed up with a came yo making an intervention with handing ler about lohan's drinking, well, both their drinking. >> wake up, handler, wake up hands ler. >> you're a medic. do you think anyone wants to work with a drunk? take it for me, they don't. >> okay. okay. >> obviously lohan's been in rehab and handler talking about her drinking. eminem, there he is back with a new album and won two awards for his video "not afraid". >> how about that? you know one thing that stuck out with me this morning, rousing the pictures online talk about "not afraid" not afraid to mix it up.
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look at snooki. >> snooks. >> at glor affectionatly calls her. look no pooh. >> -- i got to tell you, everyone else, the grammys, emmys, all could learn something from the production of the spl music awards. did you see usher? >> yes, amazing. >> unbelievable. >> the same songs he sang here. >> another one of your favorite concerts of the summer. in all seriousness -- >> he came to play. >> he was great. >> he was terrific, yeah. >> none of those presenters, a sign you are completely uncool or getting old who are they. who are these kids? >> well, now you know. >> now i'm hip. >> but still -- >> i'll see you at the concert. >> i thought one of the great moments, chelsea handler coming out and doing her own imitation of lady gaga. >> yeah. >> can you tell? there she is.
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>> open the garage and there you are. >> i love it. >> she -- >> works every time. >> all right. we'll be right back. you are watching "the early show" on cbs. sometimes getting our kids to eat the way they should requires a little magic from mom. [ kids ] whoa! [ marcia ] new motts medleys. looks and tastes just like the motts juice kids already love. but has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass. new motts medleys. invisible vegetables, magical taste.
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nothing beats prevacid®24hr. just one pill helps keep you heartburn free for a full 24 hours. prevent the acid that causes frequent heartburn with prevacid®24hr, all day, all night. nothing works better.
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kim clijsters is with us, of course the u.s. open women's champion this year, defended her title and is back with us. you pointed out the finals match is great under an hour but >> friday was an epic, epic battle. kim made it look easy in the for the ages. tennis fans will not soon forget it. >> getting lots of good tennis
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from kim clijsters. we look forward to speaking with her. just ahead, your local news. and my dog bailey and i love to hang out in the kitchen. you love the aroma of beef tenderloin, don't you? you inspired a very special dog food. [ female announcer ] chef michael's canine creations. chef inspired. dog desired. , hey, you guys. want to try activia's great new taste? isn't this the yogurt that, you know... helps regulate your digestive system. trust me. it is beyond tasty. mmm. this is really good! new best tasting activia ever! ♪ activia
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b-s five... i'm it is 7:55. time for news headlines from cbs 5. i'm sydnie kohara. four people known dead now from the pipeline explosion and fire in san bruno. four others still unaccounted for. 8 people remain hospitalized including 5 listed in critical condition. a 28-foot-long piece of the destroyed pipe will be inspected at a federal lab in washington. pg&e is under orders to check all its natural gas pipe lines throughout california. the state public utilities commission also plans to appoint an independent panel of experts to investigate the explosion. and the express lane on southbound i-80 is set to open a week from this morning. it stretches from sunol to milpitas. the lane will be free for carpools and solo drivers will be able to use it for a price. right now there is new
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striping on eight of the 14 miles. traffic and weather right after this. ֖ the black widow spider's severe bite can cause coma and even death. the african black mamba can kill a man with one bite. but there's an even deadlier predator cigarettes, produced by big tobacco, which take a life every six point five seconds.
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good morning. delays along the peninsula accident south 101 clearing. it's just past whipple or university, rather. everything off to the right shoulder.
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the backup is all the way towards whipple and building. give yourself some extra time. eastshore freeway, sluggish 113 westbound to emeryville. approaches to the bay bridge slow. bay bridge backed up to the maze. metering lights are on. that's traffic. let's check your forecast. any sun today, tracy? >> yeah, there's going to be some sunshine today but not seeing much of it now. here's a look out toward our ocean beach shot. love this one. coastal locations not a lot of fog out there but definitely plenty of clouds. conditions for the afternoon, low clouds at the coast, highs in the lower 60s. conditions around the bay in the mid-60s. and warmest spots inland in the lower 80s. similar conditions for tuesday. slightly warmer wednesday and thursday. but don't get used to that warmup. it's fleeting friday, saturday, sunday. temperatures will cool back down but all in all a good- looking seven-day forecast.
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nice crowd on the nice crowd this morning. right? lady gaga. straight from the vmas. lady gaga is here. >> i actually thought that. walked out the door and thought the same thing. >> loved your dress. >> welcome back to the "early show," everybody. i'm harry sith along with erica hill and dave price. an alcoholic can be especially hard on your health. how simple changes around your desk can make, well, a lot of things bet per we'll tell you about it in a second. >> improving your life on "the early show." that's how we roll. and having it all.
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kim clijsters seems to do it. just won her third u.s. open. first mom to win a grand slam in nearly 30 years. her daughter in the stands to see her win. we'll talk 20 kim about her victory. what it's like juggling tennis and motherhood. excited to have her with us. we'll talk to you in just a moment. and does it really matter when you shop? this is a good segment. you're going to love this. definitely it does. what day of the week matters a lot. we'll explain why you should buy clothes, for instance, on thursdays. groceries on sundays. >> sundays. >> we'll explain it all. >> interesting. >> in the segment. >> all right. >> i'm going to stick around for that. >> i thought you might. >> first, though, let's go inside. always listening to the news headlines starting on mondays. and jeff glor is here to do that. >> every monday. yes. dave, thank you very much. good morning to you. good morning, everyone. we are hearing from the muslim cleric leading an effort to build an islamic cultural center near ground zero.
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imam feisal abdul rauf is speaking at the council on relations in new york city. national correspondent jim axelrod has more. good morning to you once again. >> reporter: it's business as usual here in ground zero this morning. this monday morning after the ninth anniversaries of 9/11 was marked over the weekend. the big news and the story about the proposed islamic cultural center is happening uptown. the imam is speaking about the controversy. >> in recent days some people have asked, is there really a freed for an islamic community center in lower manhattan? is it worth all this firestorm? the answer, ladies and gentlemen, is a categorical, "yes." >> reporter: this morning's comment, the most expentensive
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offer since this started. a recent poll shows roughly 50% of new yorkers don't feel they just want to see the islamic cultural center moved back from ground zero by two blocks. roughly 50% don't want to see the proposed cultural center downtown at all. jim axelrod, cbs news. the house minority leader appears ready to compromise on tax cuts this morning. congressman john boehner repeatedly called on president obama to extend tax cuts on all american. he supported tax cuts for those making less than $50,000 even if tax cuts for the wealthy are allowed to expire. >> if the only option i have is to vote for some of those tax reductions, i'll vote for them. >> this morning white house press secretary robert gibbs told harry it's not an issue to play politics with. >> i hope that congressman boehner's comments suggest a willingness to agree to the president's position. we ought not use the middle
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class as a political football. extend the tax cuts for the middle class, quickly, give them certainty and make sure they know they're going to get help in tough economic times. >> the cost of extending tax cuts for all american for the next year would approach $4 trillion. this morning hundreds forced to flee a second wildfire in colorado. the latest blaze broke out yesterday near loveland. about 35 miles from last week's wildfire near boulder. it's unclear what sparked the loveland fire. at least one home destroyed. more than a square mile burned. the fire near boulder is almost contained. that one contained 26 home. residents back home in california after a deadly gas explosion destroying hundreds of homes in san francisco. it killed four people on thursday. authorities say at least four people are still missing. the utility company has been ordered to make safety checks on all the gas lines in the state. in northwest india, close call here on a building collapsed yesterday. the illegally built structure
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was six stories high. inspector had been inside, it turns out, investigating cracks in the building just before it came down. everybody got out safely and nobody hurt. five minutes past the hour. on a monday morning, dave price back outside once again. mr. price, good morning. >> good morning to you, jeff. got a great crowd out here. [ cheers and applause ] over 50 years old. over 50! do you need to take a nap? you've been here about an hour already. where are from you? >> georgia. >> what's your name? >> robin. >> well, robin, we
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c1 3 this weather report sponsored by chrysler. that's a quick look at our weather pick color. by the way, so much time on igor, don't forget, julia is out in the atlantic. we're watch tlag as well. more at 8:30.
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meantime, harry, ba to you in the studio. >> thank you. are you spending too much time at work? how about at your desk? never let it be said that i'm not "on the ball." a workaholics guide to staying healthy, when we come back. lick's guide to staying healthy, when we come back. [ male announcer ] with its 43 safety features, like the parkview rear back-up camera... hi, sweetie. there you are. [ male announcer ] ...electronic vehicle information center, and rear cross path detection system, now available in the safety tech package, the chrysler town & country is a safe bet to make. ♪ i'm ahmed mady and i'm a homebuilder. my father brought me up to give back to society... felicia jackson promised her late sister that she would take care of her children. but she needed help. i used my american express open card to get half a million points to buy building materials to help build the jackson family a new home. well, i know if my dad was still around,
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he would have told me, with no doubt... he would have told me it's a no brainer and i knew that from the start. it was an honor. booming is moving forward by giving back. [ male announcer ] what if clean sheet day became clean sheet week? new ultra downy april fresh has scent pearls that give you a whole week of freshness with just one wash. ♪ and from day 1 to day 7, ultra downy april fresh lets you climb in to more freshness than this other fabric softener. so why settle? get more. feel more.
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so why settle? ♪ your favorites, in pieces. [ woman ] chopping and peeling can be kinda relaxing at the end of the day. [ female announcer ] relaxing for who? try new market creations from lean cuisine. the new steam pouch locks in the fresh taste of crisp veggies, tender chicken, and al dente pasta, new market creations from lean cuisine. i'm a member of this hotel'sre chiloyalty program.ce.pasta, well, how far away is it? okay, we take a train 40 miles to a dude ranch where we pick up a couple of horses that we ride to a nearby river. then we canoe upstream to a helicopter that takes us to the conference. or we could book with and stay closer.
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see, with welcomerewards, no matter where you accumulate 10 nights, you get a free one. huh. smarter. [ male announcer ] accumulate 10 nights and get a night free. welcomerewards from smart. so smart. healthwatch, help for workaholics. do you find yourself multi-tasking too much for your own good? our dr. jennifer ashton is here to show you how a few simple changes at your desk can improve your overall well-being. i'm sitting on this goofy ball. i actually have one of these in my office. >> so do i. i love these. >> right. >> but this brings up a point. a lot of americans spend hours a day sitting at a desk and they can develop back and neck pain because their chair is not really the best for their posture. >> right. >> whether you get a different chair more comfortable for you
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or segue into one of these balls which you can gradually build up to more and more time but it's important you use the proper posture. then, you actually engage your core muscles, it is called active sitting. >> phenomenal. >> 50 to 80% of us will have a back problem at some point in our lives. i just had one. if you will start to use one of these at your desk you want your hips and knees to be approximately 90 degree angle, yours is. suck in your core muscles, abdominals and keep your shoulders back and start gradually a couple of minutes doing your work, talking on the phone, try to build up to 20 minutes, as long as you can. i think you'll see a big difference in your back and core. >> it is significant. the problem. people will want to do a lot of things doing this at first and it gets a bit difficult. >> right. >> but. >> you have to build up to it. >> the longer you do it, the better off you are. the thing is this thing demands. >> correct posture. >> -- good posture. if you are going to -- >> you will fall right off. >> a problem. >> the other thing you could do on these balls, lean back, put
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them under your back and do abdominal crunches and take a it. >> it important to remember hand washing we say it again because it is so important the alcohol-based hand sanitizers and flu shots are out, h1n1 is in them this year and you only need two. >> no two shots? i walked in the cbs building the other day and said they are flu shots. >> they are in, in doctor's
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offices, pregnant women, over age 65, young children with chronic diseases like asthma should all talk to their doctors. >> we spent every single segment of most of last year's shows talking about h1n1. do we have to worry about that this year? >> no because the virus is not seen in high numbers but it is in the flu shot. we have to remember americans miss 70 million workdays to flu a year. >> that's a lot. >> that's no joke. >> what's next on your agenda for keeping us healthy in our office. >> if you need at any time at your disposal so get some work in -- try to be creative and incorporate it into your day. we have running shoes, we have a pair under the desk. walk to or from work. >> that's smart, really smart. >> the other thing you can do -- >> your office mates may not appreciate your smelly shoes. >> they may not. >> put them in a little bag -- >> you can use your desk to actually exercise. you can take breaks, get on the
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side of your desk, do a little triceps dip. >> are you really doing that? >> a little bit. work the back of your arms and chest. for a real boost, harry, you can drop and start doing push-ups. this is my favorite. i know you have a bad shoulder so i won't force you to do them but take a little break and start doing some push-ups. >> dude! >> if you do ten an hour by the end of your day you've done as many as, you know, top nfl football players. >> look at you. >> keep going. start early. >> the doctor is doing the push-ups. drop and give me 30. okay. dr. jennifer ashton, you can stop now. >> no, i've got to get my 30 in. >> okay. well. coming up next made winning in the u.s. open look easy. we'll talk kim clijsters, three-time champion and mother of one, when we come back. ♪ let's take a look at the stats. mini has more than double the fiber and whole grain... making him a great contender in this bout... against mid-morning hunger.
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honey nut cheerios is coming in a little short. you've got more whole grain in your little finger! let's get ready for breakfaaaaaaaaaast! ( ding, cheering, ringing ) keeping you full and focused with more than double the fiber and whole grain... in every tasty bite -- frrrrrrosted mini-wheeeeats! didn't know i had it in me.
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the. it took defending champ kim clijsters less than an hour to beat vera zvonareva, as her 2-year-old daughter, jada, watched in the stands. there she is with watermelon. congratulations, great to have you with us. >> thanks. a pleasure to be here. you've said you really love playing in new york at the open. what about this particular tournament gets you so jazzed up that you enjoy so much. >> the past results always help and coming here as you know defending my championship title for the first time was an incredible feeling. it brought extra pressures but also just made me more focused and i was able to play some of my best tennis at the important moment. >> you played incredible tennis. you are defending the title but not exactly an easy road to get to the finals fnlt we talked about how this was a quick final match but the road to the final match especially your semifinal match against venues williams
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was pretty tough. >> that match really could have gone either way. . it was one of the best matches i think venus and myself have played against each other. i think i was -- obviously for me an vanch winning that match going into the finals, it gave me that mental boost to try and finish off the final. >> i would imagine, absolutely. also weather was really tough this year, it was really hot in the beginning of 9 tournament, there were crazy winds. how much of an affect does that have, something you can't always practice for. >> no, of course not. i mean, i think with the weather conditions they have been really hard. with the heat, okay, you can manage and we're used to playing in australia and those kind of places and used to that but with the heavy wind conditions, it was really hard sometimes and at one stage talking about a hurricane so we all liked worried about what would happen but, i mean, it was, you know, worked out well. i tried to practice a couple of times during some of the worst hours of the day just to try to get that rhythm still. every day it went better.
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so, happy at the en. there was a little bit of wind during the finals, as well. i just kind of felt i was more comfortable on the last day. >> whatever you did, clearly worked. and last year, of course, so much excitement about you coming back, the matches you had to play to get there, too. has anything changed for you, you think, since you took this break to become a mom and then you did come back, is anything different mentally now your game? >> yeah, i also think because i was away from the game a bit i was able to look at kind of my first career in a completely different view, especially the losses, able to not analyze them but kind of experience my own feelings in those matches and as i got older and had a baby, you kind of just learn to know your feelings better and how to definitely deal with stress and emotions and nerves and to keep it under control. i think that definitely is something, you know, that's helped me during big matches when you are nervous and how to deal with them so they don't take over your body and you're not able to play tennis. >> absolutely because the kids
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take over your life. >> absolutely. >> being a mom, what's the best thing about it for you? >> every single day. the little things are probably more, you know, more special and it's the pride you have of seeing your children grow up or learning new things and, of course, i also have these days where i feel guilty i have to go off to practice or, you know, i have to go off to work but at the end of the day, you know, she's excited and when we go back to belgium, she spends a lot of time with the family and here in the states she's been able to spend a lot of time with our family here. she enjoys the attention she gets from the family because we are not with them all the time. she really enjoys that. >> long chunks of it, which is really nice. a lot of kids aren't as lucky. always so much to talk about women having it all and especially when it comes to you, does she have it all, can you have it all? do you think women get caught up in that, is it really pont to, quote, have it all? >> i don't think so. i don't think you should focus on trying to have it all but take it one step at a time. obviously, i think, you know, if
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you kind of set your goals a bit, i mean, i set goals with my tennis career but also set goals on things i wanted to achieve with jada, and it is really important she eats healthy and has a routine when we travel on the road. maybe my life is real hectic and i don't have routine because of my tennis schedule but i really want her to still have that although we're not home that much but our hotel rooms are more home than anything. >> the schedule, as any mom knows is so important. she's a beautiful little girl. >> thanks. >> congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> we look forward to seeing you back with us soon. a reminder, of course, you can see the men's u.s. open finals beginning at 4:00 p.m. eastern right here on cbs. still to come this morning on "the early show," how you can shop and save money simply by buying on certain days. this actually works for just about everything, including cars. we'll also look ahead to the new "survivor" 291st season.
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they are part of it, representing the young and the old teams. we'll get the scoop when we return. your,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. it's 8:25. in the headlines this morning, pg&e crews are inspecting gas pipe lines in san bruno this morning. this is new video from a few minutes ago. the california public utilities commission has ordered pg&e to inspect all of its gas lines in the state. people whose homes were damaged or destroyed should find out today when they will be allowed to see what's left. yesterday, police escorted people to nearly 300 other homes in the area. now, most were allowed to stay in their homes. others were able to check things out, gather some belongings and then leave. sarah shourd could be set free from prison as soon as today. her iranian lawyer says she is waiting for word that bail of half million dollars has been paid. iran's judiciary said yesterday the 32-year-old shourd can be released because she has health problems.
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traffic and weather right after this. ,,,,,,,,,,,,
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south 101 at university a second accident. morning. left lane blocked, chp headed to the scene. slow and go backed up to peninsula avenue. use 280 as an alternate. southbound 880 slow and go
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working through marino to mowry. a wreck is cleared but sluggish there. 880 northbound, accident right at hegenberger. overall traffic moving a little sluggish near the coliseum, but not too bad. and checking your drive through the south bay, northbound 280 sluggish through san jose. looks like southbound though is cruising right along through that area. no accidents, though, for the south bay. that's traffic. let's check your forecast. tracy? >> hey, thanks, gianna. this morning, still got some clouds out there. here's coit tower this morning. and cloudy skies that's the backdrop. conditions for the afternoon, our seven-day forecast showing monday's afternoon highs the lower 80s inland. mid-60s around the bay and lower 60s for the coast. similar conditions temperatures tuesday. wednesday and thursday we warm up slightly but it doesn't last long. friday, saturday and sunday, temperatures will cool down again. ah, focus group. so what are we testing here?
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that's our new pastrami grilled sandwich. oh, great. hey, are they happy we got rid of the rye bread? totally. they love our grilled artisan bread. they say it's the perfect compliment to the classic hot pastrami, melting cheese, deli mustard and pickles. awesome. hey, um what are we testing in that room? oh! nothing we were just hazin' the intern.
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welcome back to "the early show" on a monday morning. also a lot of excitements marking an important anniversary this morning vimplsts big important anniversary. >> the 20th season of the "jerry springer" show, former mayor of cincinnati, taking talk shows to a new level to talk about all kinds of things, the 20th season, inspired an opera and on "dancing with the stars," he killed me, sweetest dad. >> who's your baby daddy? >> it's you, harry, it's you. >> i love this guy. >> there we go. >> i do love this guy. >> also this morning "survivor"
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back going to a new day and time. this season, as always, a who knew twist taking on -- do you see that guy? do you know that guy right there? >> jimmy johnson. >> hello. how many guys with super bowl rings play "survivor." >> he's tried to get on for a while, really wanting to do this. >> a couple of rival tribe members, former nfl coach jimmy johnson and kelly bruno who set an iron man triathlon record for amputees a couple years ago will go at it tooth and nail this morning. >> lit rel. >> looking for bargains, coupons, the internet and rewards membership. we've talked about this, did you know you can save depending on the day of the week you actually shop on? >> i love this. >> we'll show you how to take advantage of the calendar for everything, what day to buy cars, groceries. >> clothing. >> today is the day to buy a car. >> why? >> i'll explain in a moment. mondays. >> interesting. harry smith has me intrigued.
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before we get to that dave price with another check of the weather, always a good day to get weather. >> to really save money, to really save money, today is the day to borrow a car. how do you like that, huh? you don't spend a penny. nice to see everyone, special wedding congratulations to carol graves who married irving kahn. thank you so much for letting us know, carol. we have great people here visiting from across the country. from? >> brooklyn. >> brooklyn. really? and how long you are going to stay in new york city? >> um -- >>
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very quick hill low to
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everyone from day one. a great organization, helping people in new york build healthy relationships, young people in particular and the awareness of dating violence. we appreciate everything you're doing to help people think right. nice to see you. a quick look at the weather picture. erica, inside to you. >> thanks. hard to believe but "survivor" ready to kick off its 21st season this week. this season finds everyone in nicaragua. this time, the tribes are pitting the young against the old. >> we got to get the floor -- maybe somebody will be infatuated with me being head coach jimmy johnson, super bowl winner. i'll play on that, the superstar status. >> pretty comfortable with my team. >> prosthetic. i knew it. i knew it. >> joining us from los angeles this morning two survivors you just saw, former nfl coach jimmy
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johnson and triathlete kelly bruno. good to have you both with us this morning. >> thank you. >> erica, i'm the old and she's the young, by the way. >> thanks for clearing that up, by the way, we appreciate it. those are the two tribes, essentially, this year, young versus old. jimmy, tell us, you get there and all of a sudden you find out, oh, i'm the old guy, they are painting me as the old guy. how did everybody feel about that? >> well, first of all, i was upset. you know, i was hoping to get with some of the young bucks, the 20-year-olds and they could carry me through all the challenges but unfortunately put me with the old people. i was messed up right off the bat. but kelly got lucky, she got with all the young people. >> kelly, though, you as we mentioned, you are a record-setting triathlete, competed in the ironman, also an amputee. i imagine, as jimmy i'm sure is getting looks people going wait a minute i know this guy, what
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kind of reaction did you get when people first realized are an amputee. >> people react differently but -- people are intrigued, i guess, making assumptions. so, i certainly had a little more to prove, i guess. >> and proving them wrong, probably in some of those assumptions. as winning super bowl coach, respected sports broadcaster, a lot of people will look at you on "survivor" and go, wait a minute, jimmy johnson is on "survivor" how did this happen? >> i tried to get on it about six or seven years ago and did all my applications and video and they ternd me down and then tried again about three years ago and went through the whole process and i thought i would get on. they pretty well accepted me. i went through the medical and the "survivor" doctor called me and called and said coach we would love to have you, you have two blocked arteries. you better see your cardiologist. i went and had stints put in, a strict workout routine, lost 30
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pounds, my cholesterol from 220 to under 100 and got in shape. finally when i got in shape i said, i better try one more time and finally got on this time. >> they said, all right, we'll take you. >> yeah, in fact "survivor" may have helped me survive. >> always a good thing. kelly, you are this incredibly gifted athlete, in medical school in the young team. we talk about young and old, people say, sort of experience versus, you know, maybe a bit more strength. do you continuing really played out as experience versus a little bit more energy? >> you know, i don't think that the line is so black and white. i think, you know, you know, certainly had experience on our tribe, as well. you know, just varied and they had plenty of strength. so, you know, it worked out that both tribes had a lot going for them and, you know, it will be an interesting season to watch. >> what do you zing a bigger challenge, competing in the ironman or "survivor"? >> they were different. you know, ironman was two of the
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ones i did, i did under 14 hours. another was 12 and a half hours. there is an end in sight whereas, you know, "survivor" is a much longer period, looking at much longer period of time. they are different. >> dealing with a lot of personalities this time. jimmy, i know you are not a big fan of people who are lazy. >> well, unfortunately, i didn't have any slackers on my tribe. everybody was contributing. i always thought they would be a lot of dead time on "survivor" but we were working all the time trying to get firewood, boil water, get food. on and on. build a shelter. so that, you know, everybody was working. we really had a good group. >> not just laying around. really looking forward to see how to plays out and, of course, how you two do with the big battle so we'll watch jimmy johnson and kelly bruno, thanks. a reminder zur vifr mick nick premieres this thursday night 8:00, 7:00 central only on cbs.
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>> smart shoppers never pay full price but did you know you get better deals certain days of the week? kelli grant, senior reporter for is here to tell us when to shop and for what. good morning. >> good morning. >> everybody in the studio is buzzing and everybody talking about this at home, certain days to buy certain things. is that really true? >> it really s. retailers know exactly where people are likely to shop for something and use sales to drive traffic on slow days or know you are likely to go in to really get you to go there, instead of the competition. >> i was looking at like the sales receipt out of a gap bag the other day and it said like, everything off on wednesday or who knows what. i mean, certain retailers are really focusing in on this. >> they really are. and some of them, too, it's not just a matter of when they want you to shop but when they don't want you to go that can also be the better deal. >> we'll walk all the way through this certain days of the week really seem better than others for certain purchases.
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you say monday is a great day for cars. >> exactly. cars, perfect mondays because when you go in during the weekend, the really high-traffic time. you'll find it very hard to negotiate because they know if you're not going to buy that car, someone else -- >> the dealership is full of people, that's when people have time, that's when they are in there, kicking tires. you go in on a monday, i bet you are all by yourself. >> exactly, a perfect time to negotiate because you have time. they are looking at weekend numbers maybe if they weren't so great or maybe if they were already thinking ahead how can i sell this car to this person and you have plenty of room to negotiate. >> monday. buy your car on monday. i like it a lot. next up is wednesday, a couple of categories here. what's good for wednesday? >> the first thing to think about is air fare. if you are booking a trip wednesday is the time to do it because the airlines put our fare shares usually sunday, monday and start matching them. wednesday according to farecom
8:41 am you have the most available for booking. >> peter greenberg talked about this, too and it really can make a significant difference, you need to plan ahead and know what you are work looking for but wednesdays good for flights. what else? >> entertainment deals by which i mean entertainment, parks, zoos, mostly because wednesday tends to be a very low traffic day. we have seen six flags offers a aaa discount on wednesdays and something like amc have their free movie-watcher club and moviegoers get free popcorn. >> get out. a free movie watcher club and you can get popcorn? >> free. it's about five or six bucks in new york, pretty good deal. >> talking serious dough. i like that a lot. thursday, what's a good thing to shop for on thursdays? >> thursday is the day to go to the mall and buy new clothes. retailers, most big sales friday through sunday but a lot start thursday as a way to pull more people in.
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if you talk to anybody at the mall on the weekend, tons of clothes, hard to find you what are looking for. thursday, you'll find all the items out, neatly organized and a lot of them. >> you would think exactly, especially for selection, right, the stores are going to be stocked to the nth degree with the stuff they want to push out. if you are looking for size and all that stuff matters, thursday would be the day to go, right? >> exactly. >> okay. skipping friday, saturday, because friday and saturday, is that when everybody shops? >> it really is when everyone shops. you'll see plenty of sales those days but really whatever the retailer wants to push out so, no matter tern there. >> all right. sunday, is it a good day for anything? >> you want to buy your groceries sunday. >> really. >> the day the expert advice to match the store sales with the latest manufacturers coupons from your sunday newspaper. >> okay, all right. >> that's when you'll get them. >> duh. really, think about that, that sunday paper lands, thump on your front door and chocked the
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block with coupons. >> it is. especially online you will find more coupons. >> you've got a weekly cycle then there are other cycles, including retailers matching up with pay days? >> they are. >> what is that about? >> well, they know most people are living paycheck to paycheck these days and are anticipating when people are going to get paid and when they are going to hit the store and want you, again, to go in and go to their store when they know you've got money. you see a lot of retailers pushing sales toward the beginning of the month for the grocery you could poons, they found 191% more coupons during the first week than any other time of the month. >> gross i like it a lot. >> go the first of the month and you are pretty much set. >> thank you very much. you saved people money today. we like that a lot. for more deals by the day check
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our website, erica? >> thanks. probably safe to say jerry springer changed the face of daytime talk shows. today he hits a milestone. his 20th anniversary. jerry springer joins us this morning. great to have you with us. >> well, thanks. s. you would think i would get a furniture commercial or something like that. these chairs are really strong. they can withstand any tloiing or owe. >> he no? maybe putting up that pitch this morning you'll get a call damplsts i hope so. you know, i'm trying to get work. >> it's hard for you these days, isn't it. >> yeah. >> this show started out 20 years ago were you a news guy, news anchor. >> yes. >> always into politics. they say we'll have do you a talk show. for three years it was pretty ach newsy -- >> it was a normal show. we had people like jesse jackson, oliver north, i know. i think the clip you are looking at there was our first show. oh, look at that hair.
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my, what a good looking young man. >> the flower dress, those were the days. >> that was a reunion show. is that when i looked -- oh, no. i'm going home! ohh. >> a look back. >> yeah. >> it really did,s it t started out completely different from the "jerry springer" show everyone knows. how did that happen? >> someone was drinking. no, actually how it happened the only decision we made was to go young. basically we copied rikki lake in the beginning because everyone was trying to be like oprah and go after middle-aged housewives what they called the demographic at the time. and rikki lake came along and had young people. we said why don't we go after that audience be one out of two rather than one out of twenty. we went after her audience, young people on stage, young subject matters, young people are crazier than old people, much more open about their lives and when universal bought us they said from now on you only
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can do crazy so that's how. we backed into it. >> and only doing crazy seems to work. >> it certainly helps with my bills but, you know -- it's stupid. >> well, yeah. >> there's no excuse. >> -- you wouldn't necessarily watch your own show. >> no. it's not aimed at 66-year-old men. if i were in college, i'd watch it. i remember me in college, of course, i'd watch it. but for, you know, older people, that's not the audience. oh, look isn't that -- >> a finer moment. >> that's a shame. oh. >> people always ask, is it real? >> yeah, i'm -- >> all real. >> yeah, yeah. well, you can see. i mean, i don't know -- well, obviously it's real. that's a real cake. >> that's real. >> real punch. >> here comes the next punch, which is also real. >> that is. is that what it looks like? see, i don't watch the show. >> that is what it looks like. >> that's horrible. >> there have been so many. is there anything that stands out. >> we had that show, the guy who married his horse. i came out against it, let there
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be no question. we did a follow-up show because the horse left him. >> right. yeah. >> it was just horrible. i'm so sorry. >> but you do a lot of other things, your show, because it has become, iconic in many ways and actually spawned and opera at one point and did really well. >> there's the horse. >> there you go. >> pixel was her name. >> you've grown attached to her? >> she never calls or writes. >> after everything you did for her. >> yeah. yeah. oh, the opera. >> the opera? >> my mom, she would have been so proud i'm now an opera. she says, gerald, you've got culture. >> harvey keitel plays you. it's not too shabby. >> i wish it were about somebody else but it was -- they did a very good job and it won all the awards in england. >> did great. >> but you had nothing to do with it. it's about me, about my show. but, you know, i can't take any credit. >> a lot of material there on
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your show. >> do you think? do you think? >> i have to say i really, when you were on "dancing with the stars," you gist kind of, you know, any girl and her dad have a special relationship but watching you talk about your daughter and why you were on the show to learn how to dance at her wedding was a really, another side of jerry springer i think a lot of people hadn't seen before. >> yeah, that was the first time i'd ever been on television as myself because i'm always -- here comes ktie, the best. there she is, i love her. a little boy now, happily married. >> you are a proud papa. >> that's not my boy. yeah, that was a great moment. a funny thing about the wedding, i learned to dance the walt for the wedding now the father-daughter dance and katy is wearing this beautiful white wedding gown. in the middle of the dance she looked up and said, dad, they can't see our feet because her wedding gown covered -- i didn't have to be on the show. the whole thing was a scam. i could have just rocked back and forth. but, no -- yeah, that was great.
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>> oh, well. >> that was great. >> a very proud grandpa, you showed me pictures during the break. >> oh, yeah. >> such a treat to have you with us. continued success. >> thank you. >> hopefully we'll see you again soon. we'll be right,,,,,,
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this is unlike any car you've ever seen before. this is power with efficiency. this is an interior that exceeds even the promise of the exterior. this is the all-new jaguar xj. the stunning result of taking a very different road. but what really happened? cnn -- not me -- cnn says his assertion about his tax record was "just plain wrong." jerry brown went out there and took credit for the fact that the people of california voted for proposition 13, which lowered taxes, which he opposed. and now he's going around taking credit for it. he raised taxes as governor of california. he had a surplus when he took office and a deficit when he left. he doesn't tell the people the truth.
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we did a segment earlier this year about favorite ice creams. >> yeah, right. >> and i talked about greatest, speaking of jerry springer. i read a piece in the paper this morning, it is going national. >> my girlfriend, danielle, asks me constantly how she can get that ice cream, so danielle -- >> you are so out in front of the curve, even in style and everything. >> you know who is ahead of the curve in style, she's on her own curve, lady gaga. we talked earlier when we looked at the vmas about her ensemble.
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>> i don't think those shoes are comfortable. >> actually -- they just called and want to put her in prison. how do you even walk in those. >> this was the meat outfit. >> she wore an outfit hanging with meat. >> we tried to get a steak to show how that worked out. >> is anyone talking about cher and how remarkable that woman -- i don't know her exact age. >> -- hoping you could "meat" me halfway. >> oh, that's good. >> what's the one sees like. ♪ i found someone >> keep going. >> no. >> he's going to sing us off now. >> have a great day, everybody. your local news is next. we'll see you in the morning. ,,
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[ female announcer ] why do we offer flu shots at walgreens every day? because we're big on sharing. our pens... our snacks... everything... and one of the best ways to protect yourself and your coworkers is with a flu shot from walgreens. with the most pharmacists certified to immunize and walk-ins welcome every day, we're making it easier for everyone to get their flu shot. get yours at walgreens and take care clinics today.
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it is 8:55. good morning, everyone. i'm sydnie kohara with your cbs 5 news headlines. pg&e is inspecting gas pipe lines in california including in san bruno near the site of last thursday's explosion. in fact, this is video from the area within the past hour. the state public utilities commission has ordered pg&e to inspect all of its gas lines in the state. people whose homes were destroyed or damaged should find out today when they will be allowed to see what is left. yesterday, police escorted people in nearly 300 other homes in the area. some were only allowed to gather belongings and leave again. and the lawyer for an american woman detained in iran says her family is appealing to authorities to drop or lower a demand for a
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$500,000 bail. iran'judiciary ordered her to be released when the bail is paid. the family is having trouble raising the half million dollars. traffic and weather right after this. ,,,,
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good morning. let's start off with a live look at 280 as you work your
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way through san jose. traffic still sluggish northbound headed towards downtown san jose. give yourself some extra time. 880/237 we are seeing some delays on the 237 connector onto 880 in milpitas. south 101 slow to 84. westbound 580 stop and go out of the altamont pass all the way into livermore, speeds around 27 miles per hour. that's traffic. let's check weather. here's tracy. >> thank you, gianna. weather forecast for monday morning, coming off the weekend, and here's a look out toward the coastline. plenty of clouds out there. our coastal highs cool, lower 60s at the coast, with low clouds expected. seven-day forecast also showing mid-60s around the bay with a mix of sun and clouds. and the lower 80s in our warmest spots inland with plenty of sunshine. more sunshine and similar conditions tuesday. wednesday and thursday, a slight warmup expected with cooler conditions friday, saturday and sunday.
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